UNH to Establish Hub for Early Childhood Education Research

Thursday, February 22, 2024

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DURHAM, N.H.永利app新版本官网地址卡西公共政策学院正在建立一个州内第一个早期护理和教育研究联盟, made possible by a $1.5 million grant from the Couch Family Foundation.


“这是一个关键的项目,将有目的地汇集国家的早期儿童专家和利益相关者,并推动我们朝着一个研究议程,可以告知政策和行动在国家更强大的早期儿童教育体系,” said Jess Carson, research assistant professor. 


“高质量的幼儿教育为终身成功奠定了基础,” said Kimberly Nesbitt, 人类发展和家庭研究副教授,儿童早期倡议的首席研究员. “早期护理和教育系统就像一个由通道支撑的三脚凳, cost and quality. 这三条腿都必须很强壮,这样才能真正支持孩子和家庭.”

Over the next three years, 该联盟将承担一系列战略项目,旨在建立一个高质量的研究机构,以协助国家从业人员和政策制定者进行设想, planning, 制定并加强一个稳定的早期护理和教育体系, strong, accessible and fulfills family need and choice.

研究表明,在新罕布什尔州和全国范围内,为幼儿提供优质、负担得起的托儿服务是一个重大但可以解决的挑战. Childcare costs are generally expensive for working families, there’s often not enough capacity to meet the need for care, and childcare staff are typically underpaid.

“这个项目是永利app新版本官网地址利用与该领域和国家合作伙伴的深厚关系,找到永利app新版本官网地址改善我们国家早期儿童教育政策和实践的问题的答案,” said Sara Vecchiotti, executive director of the Couch Family Foundation. “我们相信,通过这种合作,可以确定和实施解决方案.”

该联盟将确保原始研究具体到新罕布什尔州和其他重要信息资源可通过当地, state, 区域和国家的努力得到整合,并以集中的方式易于获得,供项目伙伴和其他方面使用.

For more information: Jess Carson, UNH Carsey School of Public Policy, jessica.carson@ibelstaffjackets.comand Sara Vecchiotti, Couch Family Foundation, sara@couchfoundation.org

The Couch Family Foundation invests in, supports, and advocates for equitable early care and education, so that all New Hampshire’s children have equal opportunities to thrive. Informed by community-centric research, 受到我们在全州儿童早期护理和教育部门建立的全方位关系的启发, the Couch Family Foundation funds innovative, scalable community programs, and advocates for access now – and equity always.  

The University of New Hampshire inspires innovation and transforms lives in our state, nation, and world. More than 16,来自美国49个州和82个国家的6000名学生与屡获殊荣的教师一起学习一流的商业课程, engineering, law, health and human services, liberal arts and the sciences across more than 200 programs of study. A Carnegie Classification R1 institution, UNH partners with NASA, NOAA, NSF and NIH, 并在23财年获得了超过2.1亿美元的竞争性外部资金,用于进一步探索和确定土地边界, sea, and space.